I've been drawing, painting, and creating things since I was small. With the kids all grown and families of their own, the hubster and I garden our back acre and keep busy with Farmer's Markets in the summer. When the garden is put to bed, the winter months are my creative times when I sew penny rugs, do punchneedle, and paint.
We have one furry kid at home - Olive Oyl - our rescued Wheaten terrier mix.
We've had the best weather lately. My flowers are loving it, and are not stressed out like they usually are in July, but our Veggies don't care for it much. We are getting Tomatoes, and some Peppers, but I think once the weather goes back up in the 80's we'll start seeing loads of them ripen. Saturday morning at market was very chilly. I wore a long-sleeve shirt with a jean jacket....unheard of for July around here. The people were out in hordes though, and we pretty much sold out.
Regardless of the cool temps, one tomato plant is producing like crazy and a good seller. Super Sweet One-Hundreds.
There is a vendor setting up at our market who does iron work. Most times he uses old garden tools, or car parts in his work. I suggested he try a scarecrow and told him I'd definitely be interested in something like that. This one I fell in love with and bought it last week. I had sold all of my flower bouquets and the price happened to be what I made selling them. I love when things work out that way.
Here's a few views of the new bed we extended out from my perennial garden to put Zinnia's and other flowers for cutting. I was running out of room in my other cutting garden, and now I have plenty of room. The ladder in the center is holding up my Bittersweet plant right now. We have a split rail fence to put up for it, but probably won't get to it until this fall now.
This is part of my other cutting garden. There's Blue Statice, Strawflower, Bells of Ireland, Gomphrena, tall Ageratum, and more Zinnias, plus some Basil I use in bouquets too.
And here's some other things that are blooming right now.
We have a few more days of cooler temps, then it's suppose to go back up to the mid 80's. Our Farmer's Market is located in a college town, and we've hired a gal who getting her masters to help us out one day a week. She comes on Wednesdays, and it's been a big help with getting the rest of our pathways around the veggies. We are starting to plant our fall Broccoli crop. So far we've only gotten 25 plants in, with 215 to. You can see why the help is needed. We're trying to get them all in with shade cloth and drip irrigation before the heat kicks in.
That's about all that is happening here. Hope you all are doing well.
Phlox has to be my favorite perennial....besides Coneflowers. My garden just doesn't seem complete until they start blooming. This year they are gorgeous! I'm guessing it the fertilizers we applied in the spring.
I have more I haven't photographed yet. Orange Perfection, Red Riding Hood, Nicki, Franz Schubert, and Blue Boy. They smell so good and when I'm in the garden, especially in the morning the fragrance is awesome!
Here's a view of part of one my cutting gardens. Those are Strawflowers planted around the Windmill.
I also have around 56 Zinnia plants, Blue Statice, tall Ageratum, and cutting Asters that are starting to bloom really good. I've been taking bouquets to market for the past 3 wks. now. They are selling pretty good, and I'm happy with the variety I have this year.
We've been eating green beans, squash, tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers and onions from our garden. It so nice to go out and pick our dinner. I'm sure I'll be tired of it soon, but for now it's wonderful!
Olive O loves to wander through the garden. She'll stop every now and then and smell the flowers and has the best time. If only we could get her to chase the bunny that has been eating my newly planted flowers. She thinks its her playmate and wags her tail when she sees it instead of chasing it.
My garden is the prettiest it has ever been this year. I think it's probably from the amount of rain we've had, plus all the manure and feather meal I put down this spring. We had our soil tested last fall, and everything came back fine, except for the nitrogen levels, which the feather meal has helped.
Here's some recent shots of what's blooming.
I hope you all had a nice 4th of July weekend. We spent the 4th at the Farmers Market. The crowd was down which was understandable but it was still fun. Our Tomatoes are finally starting to come in. We've been picking beans for the past week or so, and the peppers should start turning soon. Hope to get some produce pictures soon.